Thursday, January 8, 2009


Morris our cat went missing just after the first of the year... The kids were devastated... the whole family was!! Today, he showed back up in the backyard!! We are baffled at how he escaped over the 6 foot privacy fence and then made it back in the same way.

Anyway, here's a picture of him happily home with his daddy and his bestest bud, Tide!

Aidan's Mysterious Box

Last night when we arrived home from Aunt Karla's house (Alexis had to spend another night there) Aidan found a package waiting at the door for him. Mimi had found something on Ebay just for him! Upon opening is and removing the foam he screamed WHOA and started to dance around getting really excited.

What could make him so happy?!?!



and about 100 of them!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Christmas 2008

Christmas was wonderful! We cooked dinner Christmas Eve and had Tiffany, Eric, Annalise & Matthew over for dinner. Alexis & Aidan opened presents from Baba & Grandpa as well as Aunt Debbie & Uncle Bill that morning.

The kids helped me make cookies later that evening for Santa as well as magic reindeer food to sprinkle on the front lawn so Santa could find us. We opened Santa's presents on Christmas morning. The kids were up at 5am!

They had a lot of fun and loved everything they got.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that you enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas & Updates!!

First - We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!! We hope everyone enjoys this very special day and we will be thinking of all of you and missing you!

We weren't able to get Christmas cards out this year but have loved receiving everyones! The new ones everyone has been sending out with the pictures are gorgeous! I have them all posted on the front door so we see them everytime we go out. The kids have LOVED opening them and exclaiming cheers of joy over everyone.

We received a package from one of the kids favorite Aunt & Uncle.. We let them open 1 present each and then when mommie stepped away for just ONE minute.. They climbed the gate and opened them all! I have since hid all the other packages! LOL! What are you going to do.. they're kids!
They are so excited for Christmas to be here and can't wait to help mommie & daddy cook and I'm happy daddy will be home Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!! We will be having our dinner tomorrow (had friends coming over - but their kids got sick) and it looks like it's going to be just the four of us. Thursday, Karla & Justin will be coming over to open presents and have a Christmas brunch consisting of eggs benedict & homemade hash browns! Mmmmm... 10 more pounds is calling my name.. must resist!

I will post more pictures after Christmas, but here's some to start.....

The pictures from our shopping adventure @ Toys 'R Us
Baba & Grandpa sent gift cards to let them pick out their own presents

Oh and I got my Christmas present yesterday.... They are opening a terminal down here and a gentleman I used to speak with everyday moved here last week to start it up and officially offered me a JOB! I started training today and will hit the customers full force after the first of the year!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Kids, Hounds & Peanut Butter....

The pictures say it all.... Just another day in the Kolenich household.

We just bathed the dogs 2 weeks ago and in the last two days have been covered in yogurt, toothpaste, nestle quick & peanut butter.

Yes, I watch my children, I swear I do. Man, they are fast and sneaky though.

I can't say my hounds are much better because whenever the kids areinto something... they are right in the mix of it! I guess you could say I have 4 children total... 2 legs - 4 & 2 4 legs - 3 & 2

Oh - and they have to clean up their own messes.... dogs included!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jason, Lizz, Alexis & Aidan Updates

I've gone from a working mom and head of household to...............
A stay at home mommie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jason has a great job now, still working Friday & Saturday evenings bartending and working towards that teaching certificate. So, I get to stay home (at least for a little while) and focus on the kids, my family and my health.
We've saved up some money to get us by and I have a handful of interviews for some part time and working from home positions. I feel great about this decision and I think our family will be better off. It's in Gods hands now and I feel I was guided to this decision. So - all is well and I'm thrilled! The kids are loving life with me home.

So.... The kids...
Aidan has 4 eye teeth coming in now.. I can see them peeking thru the skin just about to make their grand entrance. Boy, I can not wait! He's a cranky little man when he's teething. He hit 2'11" and 29 lbs at his 18 month check up. That would be high 97/99 percentile, again. His vocabulary consists of the following words:
Maggie (dog), Karla (Aunt), Doggie, Door, Shoe, Mommie, Momma, Daddy, Kitty, Doggie, TiTi (Aunt Tiffany), Bubba (Cousin Eric Jr or Grandma), Bubby (tubby/shower), Baby, Ball, Aidan (when he wants something), Pese (Please), Anawese (Cousin Annalise), Sissy (Lexi), Tide (dog), Malmum (Malcolm, dog), Na Nite (time for bed) and his favorite - Kenya (Aunt TiTi's dog)
Don't ask why such the diversity - I have no clue! I'm just happy it's not pointing and grunting anymore.
He started the Mommy's Day Out Preschool program and LOVES IT! I'm so thrilled they both enjoy this. It is worth every penny we pay for it. They both have tons of friends and come home to take 2-3 hour naps afterwards!

Alexis - Well... she's still my mini me... I really need to work on this. One of me is enough! She's doing great though and is really accelerating in learning. I can't spell anything anymore around her because she knows what I'm spelling and what it means. Tubby, ice cream and park.... Should she know this at 3-1/2?!?!
It blows my mind what she picks up. Her teachers and sitters tell me she's an absolute doll and one of the most polite and well mannered child they have ever seen - Excuse me?!?! Are you seriously talking about MY daughter?!? There's no way and I don't believe it. I swear she's Dr. Jekyl and Mrs. Hyde. Oh well, at least she's uses her manners when she's not around us instead of visa versa.
She's growing like crazy too. Up to 3'9" (I think) and 35.5 pounds. I can not believe she will be 4 in 2 months. Where does the time go?

One more important detail - KARLA IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've changed my phone number and all emails need to go to my yahoo account (I can get them on my new phone & so can J - maybe he'll read them now).
If you need either - please send me a message. Best way to reach me is to call or email. I don't get much time online (though that might change - but doubtful).

So with that said..... J is home and I'm ready for bed... Hugs, love and kisses